Review Test Submission: QUIZ_1

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College Algebra & Trignometry

(1st Edition)

Book - Edition 1st Edition

Author(s) - Miller, Gerken

ISBN - 9780078035623

Publisher - McGraw Hill

Subject - Math

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Review Test Submission: QUIZ_1Find all values x = a where the function is discontinuous.Find the value of the constant k that makes the function continuous. Divide numerator and denominator by the highest power of x in the denominator to find the limit.Use the properties of limits to help decide whether the limit exists. If the limit exists, find its value.Decide whether the limit exists. If it exists, find its value.Use the properties of limits to help decide whether each limit exits. If a limit exists, find its value. Use the properties of limits to help decide whether the limit exists. If the limit exists, find its value.