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College Algebra & Trignometry

(1st Edition)

Book - Edition 1st Edition

Author(s) - Miller, Gerken

ISBN - 9780078035623

Publisher - McGraw Hill

Subject - Math

Chapter 1 Chemical reaction Engineering
Page 8 to 16

Chapter 1 CSTR MOLE balance
Continous Stirred tank reactor mole balance pg16-18

Chapter 1 PFR mole balance
Plug flow reactor mole balance pg 18-24

Chapter 1 Packed Bed Reactor
Packed bed reactor mole balance (PBR) pg 24-27

Chapter 1 Complete Review

Chapter 1 Solved Example 1.1
"Calculate the time to reduce the number of moles by a factor of 10 in a batch reactor for the reaction: − � � = � � � −r A ​ =kC A ​ where k = 0.046 min − 1 −1 ."

Chapter 1 Solved Example 1.2
"The irreversible liquid phase second order reaction 2 � → � 2A→B, � 1 = 0.03   lit / mole ⋅ s k 1 ​ =0.03lit/mole⋅s. is carried out in a CSTR. � � 0 = 2   Molar C A0 ​ =2Molar. � � = 0.1   Molar C A ​ =0.1Molar. � 0 = � 0 = 3   lit/s v 0 ​ =u

Chapter 1 Solved Example 1.3
"The first-order reaction: � → � A→B is carried out in a tubular reactor. The volumetric flow rate is constant. The volumetric flow rate = 10 lit/min. The reaction rate constant = 0.23 min − 1 −1 . Determine the reactor volume necessary to reduce the

Chapter 2
Definition of Conversion

Chapter 2 CSTR Mole Balance
CSTR Mole Balannce in terms of conversion X

Chapter 2 PFR Mole Balance (X)
PFR mole balance in terms of conversion

Chapter 2 Levenspiel Plots
Levenspiel Plots CSTR PFR

Chapter 2
Reactor in Series

Example 2-1
Consider the liquid phase reaction ( A ightarrow ) product which is to take pl1ace in a 1PFR. The following data was obtained in a batch reactor: | Conversion, ( X_A ) | 0 | 0.4 | 0.8 | |-----------------------|------|------|------| | (-r_A) (mole/

The adiabatic exothermic irreversible gas phase reaction [ frac{1}{2} A + B ightarrow 2C ] is to be carried out in a flow reactor for a stoichiometric feed of A and B. a) What PFR volume is necessary to achieve 50% conversion? Answer=150 liter b) Wha

Calculate the volume necessary to achieve 80% conversion in a PFR. We shall use the five point quadrature formula (A-23) in Appendix A.4. � � 0 = 0.4   mol/s F A0 ​ =0.4mol/s

What is the volume of each of two reactors? Molar flow rate of A is 0.4 mol/s. Accompanied by a diagram showing a PFR with � � 0 F A0 ​ , an intermediate conversion � � 1 = 0.4 X F1 ​ =0.4, and an output flow � � � F Ae ​ with � � 2 = 0.8 X F

Example 2-6
In bioreactors, growth is generally autocatalytic in that the more cells you have, the greater the growth rate: Cells + nutrients → more cells + product. The cell growth rate, � � r g ​ , and the rate of nutrient consumption, � � r s ​ , are directl